#getoffzero {value4value}

step by step instructions to start accepting BTC for your content. 

#1 Register RSS


First you need to register an RSS feed - there are a ton out there, anchor.fm is probably the easiest, and it's totally free (if you already have a Spotify RSS or Soundcloud RSS you can skip this step)
It should look something like this: https://anchor.fm/s/a3c9ebc4/podcast/rss

#2 Upload Content


Create a New "Episode" via anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/new
Name of the track, #tags etc.
Then select publish. (again, if you already have a Spotify RSS or Soundcloud RSS you can skip this step)

#4 Register RSS Feed 


Copy the RSS feed and paste it podcastindex.org/add - it should pop up in an hour or so.

#5 Register Bitcoin Lightning Wallet


Think of this as like an email address for your Bitcoin - you can register: stubangas@getalby.com - and start receiving Bitcoin over Lightning immediately. 

#6 Add Lightning Wallet to podcast index


Copy the the value tag from getalby.com/node and paste it into the value block on podcasterwallet.com/home {this will connect your podcast to your lightning wallet}

#7 Listen & stack sats 


Pick an app from podcastindex.org/apps to promote your music - as people start listening, you'll see bitcoin start streaming into your getalby.com wallet in real time! no middle man, all yours! (value4value)

#8 Promote 

#getoffzero #bitcoin

@Stu_Bangas is officially on the #lightning network #bitcoin 
new content: https://fountain.fm/episode/10960540511 {<insert your new content here}
tip ⚡ stubangas@getalby.com {<put this address everywhere.}

People can tip straight to this address + you'll start getting Bitcoin as soon as people start listening over the lightning network!